Created Using Photo impact version XL

skill Level intermediate.

Author; Jane Davidson

Web site: Jane's Haven.

Email: Here

Terms of Use: here

Additional files: This decoration came from Dover publishing.

the head and foot board., here

Tools used: Path drawing tool, transform, path edit, air brush, Burn tool, blur tool

  1. Open a new image, size; 560X700 pixels any color, I used white.
  2. Bed Post; Draw a rectangle, size; 10X348, 3D Trim, Color; I used Gold 5 from the Easy Palette, Material Attribute Gallery, settings; as far as the slider will go.

After you draw the rectangle, use the transform tool,and go to the attribute bar, click on, rotate left 90%, right click on the rectangle and choose, convert object type, Reset Text/path object. Click on the arrow in the attribute bar, rotate right 90%. We ha ve changed the lighting to run vertically, now it looks round.

3. Lets add a decoration to the post. using shape wave 1, draw a small shape, 3D round, I used the same gold 5. place it on the post. use the transform tool, rotate by degree, 45% clockwise, then resize it to; 17X9 like in the example, duplicate this piece 4 times, center them on the post, leave a space between them, select all of them, right click, align, space evenly, tick vertically and ok. Right click and group.

4. lets make a foot for the post, using the shape, round edges 3, same preset, 3 D trim, size; 24X24, flip vertically, again turn the shading as in step 2. place it on the bottom .Right click select all the parts of the post and group. I try not to merge until it is completed, unless it has to be merged. You can do your own thing.LOL

5. bar; Using path shape rectangle, same color gold 5, size 393X10 pixels in 3D trim, place the post on one side of the post we just drew, duplicate the post and place it on the other end like in the example.

6. unzip the file you downloaded from the top of the page, they should be the correct size, if not resize them to fit. The two smaller pieces go between the two post we just made, line the bottoms up with the horizontal bar. so that it sits on the top of the bar. See example at left.

7.Duplicate both grouped post and resize them with the transform tool to: only the height; 277 pixels. Using the larger of the two files you downloaded place it between the two post you just resized, send to back, leaving a space between the two post we made first.




8. For the middle of the bed, use path drawing tool, rounded rectangle, any color you prefer, 2D, size; I drew size 211X84, we are going to resize it after the next step. In your path panel click on shape to set the roundness to 18.

Resize it to; mine is; 211X101, place this in the middle of the bed, between the head board and foot board, right click and send behind the parts of the foot board., now use the transform tool, perspective , to stretch the end nearest to you, outwards to meet the post. on the opposite end use perspective to bring the ends inward, to give it perspective.

draw an additional rounded rectangle, with the same roundness setting, the same color, now resize it, mine is; 393X 65 pixels, to go across the bottom of the piece we just made, it goes behind the foot board. Go into path edit and remove the two inside nodes on the inside top.

At left is what you should have or something similar.

9. Draw a rectangle in the same color for the skirt, size; 398X62, 2D, sent this back behind the foot board. using the transform tool, perspective to widen the bottom a bit.

using the air brush with the settings at left, color;#20376E, unless your using a different color, if so, go darker than the color your using. darken the skirt in different spots with a downward stroke for the look of ruffles.

Change the color to; #B4C7F5, again, you may be using a different color. and the size to 20 to lighten between the darker color.

use the blur tool, default settings and lightly blur.


10. Lets finish the canopy; with the outline drawing tool, draw an ellipse in the gold 5, size; 12X3 pixels, place this on the top of the post, duplicate 3 times for the other 3 post.

using the line and arrow tool, spline , size 3, 3D depth of 30, the same color gold, to draw the shape you see at left, you can take it into your workspace and copy right over top, to follow the line, if you want.

Change to size to 2, leave everything else the same and draw another curve, like in the example at left.

working with the larger of the two, place this one on the top of the post on the right, the post closest to you, which is the back of the bed. Duplicate, transform, flip it horizontally, place it on the on the left post.

For the smaller shape, place it on the right post at the front of the bed, duplicate, flip horizontally, place this one on the left front post.

11.we have to have a decoration for the very top. you can choose your own or use my idea. I drew an ellipse, in the same gold5. 3D, size; 81X30, to place in the center where the curve pieces almost meet.

I used the crown two shape from the path drawing tool gallery, size; 111X58, in the same gold color, 3D. placed the crown on top of the ellipse, centered.  Merge the two as a single object, use the blur tool, to smooth  where the crown meets the ellipse.

Left is what I have at this point.

12. I made a very simple pillow with the rounded Rectangle, duplicated and changed to 3D pipe, centered both and burned around the edges.

13. Completing the bed. activate the sheet, right click, convert from text/path to image, using the burn tool, size; 30, level 100, soft edge; 100, burn around the sides , bottom and under the pillow. use the blur tool, size; 50, level; 5, soft edge; 50 and blur.
use the burn tool same settings on the piece across the back of the bed, above the skirt, burn the edges and then blur.

It is completed.
Thank you for doing my tutorial. If you have any questions, you can find my email at to top of the page.


After completing this Tutorial feel free to download the award on the left.
This award is offered to you on the honor system. Right click and save to your own folder. Please do not link to any of my graphics. Thank you.

Thank you nicky for testing my canopy bed. it is my pleasure to display your beautiful results.